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Using This Website
Here are some tips for using this website.
On each page, answer the questions the best you can. If you are using this website for someone else, answer the questions as if you were that person.
You will see some questions with a star (
) next to them. You
answer these questions before you can go on to the next page.
Please do not use the Forward, Back or Stop buttons on your browser.
Instead, use the ACCESS buttons at the bottom of each page. You can click on these to move between pages.
Click the Next button when you are done with a page and ready for the next questions.
Click the Back button if you need to go back to a page to change your answers.
You will see this item after submitting your online application. Clicking this button will take you to the home page, where you will be able to see the status of your application as well as your benefits.
Save & Exit
When you are using Apply For Benefits, you will see this button at the bottom of most pages. Click this button if you are ready to stop using Apply For Benefits. We will give you a choice: you can save your application to come back later, you can continue to work on it, or you can submit it to the DHS office to set your application date.
Along the way you will see these items, too:
Click the Help button if you have a question about what we are asking or if you do not know how to answer a question.
Progress Bar
The progress bar shows you how close you are to being done.
If you have not used a computer very much,
If you have not used a computer very much,
click here to practice.
If you are ready to get started, click the close window and start working.
To close this window and return to ABE
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